Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lync Powershell Scripts

View the Status of Services Running on a Computer

Ø    To view the status of services running on a computer
To view the status of all the Lync Server services running on all your computers, use the following command:

Get-CsService | Select-Object Role, PoolFqdn | Sort-Object PoolFqdn, Role

To view the services running on a specific computer, use this command, replacing with the fully qualified domain name of the computer to be checked:

Get-CsService | Where-Object {$_.PoolFqdn –eq ""} | Select-Object Role, PoolFqdn | Sort-Object PoolFqdn, Role

For More Information

View Details About a Service

Ø  To view details for a service
To view detailed information for a particular Lync Server service or server role, use the Get-CsService cmdlet followed by the service Identity:

Get-CsService –Identity

To view detailed information for all your Lync Server services or server roles, call Get-CsService without any parameters:


For More Information

Start or Stop Lync Server 2010 Services

Ø  To start or stop all Lync Server services on a computer
To start all the Lync Server services on a computer, use the Start-CsWindowsService cmdlet:

Start-CsWindowsService -ComputerName

Note that the ComputerName parameter is not required if you are starting the Lync Server services on the local computer.

To stop all the Lync Server services on a computer, use the Stop-CsWindowsService cmdlet:

Stop-CsWindowsService -ComputerName

Ø  To start or stop a specific service
To start a specific service, use the Start-CsWindowsService cmdlet along with the Name parameter:

Start-CsWindowsService –Name "RTCRGS" -ComputerName

Use the Stop-CsWindowsService cmdlet to stop a specified service:

Stop-CsWindowsService –Name "RTCRGS" -ComputerName

For More Information
The CsWindowsService Cmdlets at

Prevent Sessions for Services

Ø  To prevent new sessions for all Lync Server services on a computer
To prevent new sessions for all the Lync Server services on a computer use the following command:

Get-CsWindowsService | Stop-CsWindowsService -ComputerName –Graceful

The Graceful parameter used with the Stop-CsWindowsService cmdlet ensures that all existing sessions will be honored but no new sessions will be allowed.

Ø  To prevent new sessions for a specific service
To prevent new sessions for a specific Lync Server service, use the following command:

Stop-CsWindowsService -Name "RTCRGS" -ComputerName -Graceful

For More Information
The CsWindowsService Cmdlets at

Managing Users

Search for Lync Server 2010 Users
Ø  To search for one or more users
To search for a user based on the value of a Lync Server-specific attribute, use the Get-CsUser cmdlet and the Filter parameter. 

Get-CsUser -Filter {VoicePolicy -eq $Null}

To search for a user based on the value of a generic Active Directory attribute, use the Get-CsUser cmdlet and the LdapFilter parameter. For example, this command searches for all users who are members of the Finance department:

Get-CsUser -LDAPFilter "Department=Finance"

For More Information
·         21 User Information Cmdlets to Run Before You Die at

Add a New User to Lync Server 2010
Ø  To create a new Lync Server user
To enable a user to use Lync Server, use the Enable-CsUser cmdlet:

Enable-CsUser -Identity "Rakesh" -RegistrarPool "" -SipAddressType SamAccountName  -SipDomain

The preceding command includes the SipAddressType and SipDomain parameters; this causes Lync Server to automatically create a SIP address for the user based (in this case) on the user's SamAccountName and the domain name Alternatively, you can use the SipAddress parameter to assign a specific SIP address to a user:

Enable-CsUser -Identity "rakesh" -RegistrarPool "" –SipAddress ""

For More Information
·         21 User Information Cmdlets to Run Before You Die at
·         Enabling a User for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 at
·         Enabling a User for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and Enterprise Voice at
·         The New Communications Server User Dialog at

Enable or Disable Users for Lync Server 2010
Ø  To disable or re-enable a previously enabled user account for Lync Server
To permanently disable a Lync Server user account

Disable-CsUser –Identity "rakesh"

Set-CsUser –Identity "Rakesh" –Enabled $False

·         Disable-CsUser at
·         Set-CsUser at

Finding all the people who have a telephone number set in Lync

Get-CsUser -Filter {LineURI -ne $NULL} | FT Name, LineURI

Change SIP domain for all users

$UserList = Get-CsUser 

foreach ($User in $UserList)


   $oldAddress = $User.SipAddress

   $newAddress = $oldAddress -replace "", ""

   Set-CsUser -Identity $User.Identity -SipAddress $newAddress


Setting the AD office phone number to the TelURI for all users

#Only need to add the AD Powershell instance once

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Powershell
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$users = Get-CSUser

Foreach ($user in $users)
   $Tel = $user.LineURI
   $Tel = $Tel.Replace("tel:", "")
   If ($Tel -ne "")
      Set-ADUser -Identity $user.SAMAccountName -OfficePhone $Tel

Enable All Users in a Group for Lync Enterprise Voice

#Uses existing office number in AD for Enterprise Voice

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$Users = Get-ADGroupMember lync_group

ForEach ($User in $Users)
    Enable-CsUser $User.SamAccountName -RegistrarPool PHX-Lync15-FE.swc.local -SipAddressType EmailAddress
    $OfficePhone = (Get-CSADUser $User.SamAccountName).Phone
    $OfficePhone = $OfficePhone -replace "\D", ""
    Set-CSUser $User.SamAccountName -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled:$TRUE -LineURI "tel:+$OfficePhone"

Move All OCS Users Homed on a Specific Pool to Lync

Also sets conferencing policy and external access policy to automatic, rather than the legacy migrated OCS policies.  Replace items in bold with your environmental specifics.

get-csuser -OnOfficeCommunicationServer | Where {$_.HomeServer -eq "CN=LC Services,CN=Microsoft,CN=OCSPOOLNAME,CN=Pools,CN=RTC Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com"} | Move-CsLegacyUser -Target LYNCPOOLFQDN -ExcludeConferencingPolicy -ExcludeExternalAccessPolicy -Confirm:$FALSE

Count How Many Users are on OCS and Lync
(Get-CsUser -OnOfficeCommunicationServer).Count
(Get-CsUser -OnLyncServer).Count

Get a List of All Lync-Enabled Users Along with Selected AD Properties

$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Output = @()

Foreach ($LyncUser in Get-CSUser -ResultSize Unlimited)
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $LyncUser.SAMAccountName -Properties Department, Title
$Output += New-Object PSObject -Property @{DisplayName=$LyncUser.DisplayName; Department=$ADUser.Department; Title=$ADUser.Title; SAMAccountName=$ADUser.sAMAccountName; SIPAddress=$LyncUser.SIPAddress; EVEnabled=$LyncUser.EnterpriseVoiceEnabled}

$Output | Export-CSV -Path .\Output.csv
$Output | FT DisplayName, Title, Department, SAMAccountName, SIPAddress, EVEnabled

Add Enterprise Voice Users to an AD Group

Foreach ($User in get-csuser -filter {EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -eq $TRUE})
{Add-ADGroupMember -Identity -Members $User.SamAccountName}

Exchange Powershell Script

Exchange Control Panel (ECP):

 Get-EcpVirtualDirectory | fl *url*, ide*

Set-EcpVirtualDirectory –Identity “TLCAS01\ecp (Default Web Site)” –ExternalUrl

Get-ClientAccessServer | fl *uri*
Set-ClientAccessServer –Identity TLCAS01 –AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri

Exchange ActiveSync (EAS):
Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory | fl *url*, ide*
Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory –Identity “TLCAS01\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)” –ExternalUrl

Exchange Web Services (EWS):
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl *url*, ide*
Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory –Identity “TLCAS01\EWS (Default Web Site)” –ExternalUrl

Offline Address Book (OAB):
Get-OabVirtualDirectory | fl *url*, ide*,pol*
Set-OabVirtualDirectory –Identity “TLCAS01\OAB (Default Web Site)” –ExternalUrl –PollInterval 60

Outlook Web App (OWA):
Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | fl *url*, ide*
Set-OwaVirtualDirectory –Identity “TLCAS01\OWA (Default Web Site)” –ExternalUrl

Get-PowerShellVirtualDirectory | fl *url*, ide*
Set-PowerShellVirtualDirectory –Identity “TLCAS01\PowerShell (Default Web Site)” –ExternalUrl

Enable Outlook Anywhere:
Enable-OutlookAnywhere –Server TLCAS01 –ExternalHostname –InternalHostname –ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod Basic –InternalClientAuthenticationMethod Ntlm –IISAuthentication Ntlm –SSLOffloading:$false
Get-OutlookAnywhere –Server TLCAS01
New-AcceptedDomain –Name –DomainName –DomainType Authoritative
Get-EmailAddressPolicy | fl

Send & Receive Connector
Get-ReceiveConnector | fl
Set-ReceiveConnector –Identity “TLCAS01\Default Frontend TLCAS01” –MaxMessageSize 30MB
Get-ReceiveConnector | fl ide*,maxmes*
Get-SendConnector| fl
New-SendConnector –Name “Outbound” –AddressSpaces ‘*’ –SourceTransportServers TLMB01 –MaxMessageSize 30MB

New-SendConnector –Name “Outbound” –AddressSpaces ‘*’ –SourceTransportServers TLMB01 –
MaxMessageSize 30MB –DNSRoutingEnabled:$false –SmartHosts “”
New-SendConnector –Name “Outbound” –AddressSpaces ‘*’ –SourceTransportServers TLMB01 –
MaxMessageSize 30MB –DNSRoutingEnabled:$false –SmartHosts “” –FrontEndProxyEnabled:$True

Get-SendConnector| fl ide*,maxmes*
Get-Globaladdresslist | update-Globaladdresslist
Get-Addresslist | Update-Addresslist
New-GlobalAddressList -Name "gal" -RecipientFilter {(MemberOfGroup -eq 'cn=<GROUP NAME>,OU=Exchange Groups,DC=ggncloud,DC=internal')}
Update-GlobalAddressList -Identity "gal"
update-AddressList -Identity '\All Contacts

Move Request
New-MoveRequest -Identity '' -TargetDatabase DB01 –WhatIf    
New-MoveRequest -Identity '' -TargetDatabase DB01 -BadItemLimit  100
New-MoveRequest -Identity '' -TargetDatabase DB01 -BadItemLimit 200 -AcceptLargeDataLoss
New-MoveRequest -Identity 'Kweku' -PrimaryOnly -TargetDatabase "DB01" -BadItemLimit 100 –AcceptLargeDataLoss
Get-MoveRequest –MoveStatus queued |Get-MoveRequestStatistics | ft -auto alias,Status,TotalMailboxSize,PercentComplete,TargetDatabase,TotalInProgressDuration
Suspend-MoveRequest -Identity -SuspendComment "Resume suspended request.after @12 PM Today"
Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus queued | Suspend-MoveRequest -SuspendComment "Resume suspended request.after completion Domino & Cadista"
Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus suspended | Resume-MoveRequest
Get-LogonStatistics -Database DB-MBX-2
Get-LogonStatistics -Identity
Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus failed -TargetDatabase DB-mbx1
Get-MoveRequest –MoveStatus
Get-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase DB-MBX-M8 | Suspend-MoveRequest -SuspendComment "Resume @ 12 PM."
Suspend-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase DB-MBX-M8 -SuspendComment "Resume @ 12 PM."
(Get-MoveRequest  –MoveStatus queued).count
(Get-MailboxStatistics -Database DB-MBX-3).Count
Get-Mailbox -Database DB-MBX-G7 | Get-MailboxStatistics | Select-Object DisplayName, ServerName, Database,
TotalItemSize, ItemCount, StorageLimitStatu

Get-MailboxStatistics -Server ggncloud | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -ne $null} | Format-Table DisplayName,Database

Get-MailboxStatistics -Server HNLMBX01 | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -ne $null} | Format-Table DisplayName,DisconnectDate 
Get-MailboxStatistics -Server HNLMBX01 | Where-Object {$_.DisconnectDate
-gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)} | Format-Table displayName,ServerName,
DatabaseName, TotalItemSize -Autosize

Get-MailboxStatistics -Database db3 | where {$_.LastLogonTime -lt
(Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}} | Format-Table displayName,lastlogontime,

Get-MoveRequestStatistics -database db3
Get-Mailbox -Database db3 | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase db4
Get-LogonStatistics -Server ggncloud
New-TransportRule -Name 'TS Rule1' -Comments 'transportrule' -Priority '0' -Enabled $true -From '' -DeleteMessage $true -ExceptIfFrom ''
Restore-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup –Identity DAG1 –ActiveDirectorySite ggncloud
Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -MailboxServer 'RAKESH' -Identity 'DAG2
Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | Sort-Object name | Format-Table Name, DatabaseSize, AvailableNewMailboxSpace
Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity databasename -Status | Format-Table Name, DatabaseSize, AvailableNewMailboxSpace
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork -Identity DAG2 | fl name, MapiAccessEnabled
Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\MBX2 -ActivationOnly
Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\MBX2
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MailboxServer–DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MailboxServer–DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy
New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "All Research" -IncludedRecipients ‘MailboxUsers’ 
-ConditionalDepartment ‘Research’ -OrganizationalUnit ‘its’-Alias ‘AllResearch’ 
new-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name 'DDG-ITS' -RecipientContainer 'corp.mld/ITS' -IncludedRecipients 'AllRecipients' -OrganizationalUnit 'corp.mld/ITS' -Alias 'DDGits'
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "All Research" -MaxReceiveSize 75KB

New Mailbox
New-Mailbox -Name "System Administrator" -FirstName "System" -LastName "Administrator" -DisplayName "System Administrator" -Alias "sysadmin" -SamAccountName "sysadmin" -organizationalUnit "Test" -Database "MBXDB3" -UserPrincipalName

New-Mailbox -Name:'Help Desk' -OrganizationalUnit:'corp.mld' -Database:'DB01' -UserPrincipalName:'' -Shared

Mailbox Permission
Add-MailboxPermission helpdesk -User:'rakesh' -AccessRights:FullAccess
Add-ADPermission helpdesk -User:'rakesh' -ExtendedRights:Send-As -AccessRights:ReadProperty, WriteProperty -Properties:'Personal Information'
New-Mailbox -Alias amit -Name "amit raj" -FirstName amit -LastName raj -DisplayName "amit raj" -UserPrincipalName 
amitraj@  -OrganizationalUnit Users
New-Mailbox -Name:'tss' -OrganizationalUnit:'corp.mld' -Database:'DB02' -UserPrincipalName:'' -Shared
Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails sharedmailbox
Set-Mailbox tss -Type Room

Add-MailboxPermission tss -AccessRights FullAccess -user rakesh
Set-Mailbox its -GrantSendOnBehalfTo amit

Add-ADPermission helpdesk -ExtendedRights Send-As -user rakesh
Add-ADPermission user -User "DomainBUser" -Extendedrights "Send As"

Set-Mailbox -Identity amit -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingAddress 
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxFolderStatistics | Select Identity,FolderPath,FolderSize,ItemsInFolder | Sort-Object ItemsInFolder | fl
Add-MailboxPermission testmbx -AccessRights FullAccess -user jaredz
Set-Mailbox testmbx -GrantSendOnBehalfTo jaredz
Add-ADPermission testmbx -ExtendedRights Send-As -user jaredz
Add-ADPermission user -User “DomainB\User” -Extendedrights “Send As”
“Set-Mailbox “USER” -GrantSendOnBehalfTo “DomainB\User”
Get-Globaladdresslist | update-Globaladdresslist
Get-Addresslist | Update-Addresslist
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry:\Calendar -User harry -AccessRights Reviewer
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity marry
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry:\Calendar
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity marry -FolderScope Calendar | Select-Object -First
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry:\Calendar
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry:\Calendar -User harry -AccessRights Owner
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry:\Calendar
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry:\inbox -User harry -AccessRights Owner
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry:\task -User harry -AccessRights Owner
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity marry -User harry -AccessRights Owner
Update-Calendarpermission -identity marry -User harry -Permission ReadItems
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity LasseP:\Calendar -User Eva -AccessRights Owner
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity LasseP:\Calendar -User Eva -AccessRights Reviewer
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity LasseP:\Calendar
Delete Content
Search-Mailbox –identity –SearchQuery kind:meetings –DeleteContent
Search-Mailbox –identity –SearchQuery kind:contacts –DeleteContent
Search-Mailbox –identity alias –SearchDumpsterOnly –DeleteContent
Search-Mailbox –identity username –SearchQuery kind:contacts –DeleteContent
Search-Mailbox –identity username –SearchQuery kind:notes –DeleteContent
Search-Mailbox –identity username –SearchQuery kind:tasks –DeleteContent
Search-Mailbox –identity username –SearchQuery kind:im –DeleteContent
Search-Mailbox –identity username –SearchQuery kind:email –DeleteContent

Recovery Database

New-MailboxDatabase -Recovery -Name RDB1 -Server MBX01

Set-MailboxDatabase RDB1 -AllowFileRestore:$true

new-mailboxdatabase -Recovery -Name BD100 -Server ggncloud -EdbFilePath "D:\BD100\Database\BD100.edb" -LogFolderPath "D:\BD100\Logs"
Restore-Mailbox -ID 'Keith Johnson' -RecoveryDatabase RDB1
Restore-Mailbox -ID 'john' -RecoveryDatabase RDB1 -RecoveryMailbox 'john Thomas'
Restore-Mailbox -Identity john -RecoveryDatabase RDB1

Restore-Mailbox -ID 'john' -RecoveryDatabase RDB1 -SubjectKeywords 'contract' -ContentKeywords 'companyabc' -IncludeFolders \Inbox,\Saved

Get-Mailbox –Database db1 | Restore-Mailbox –RecoveryDatabase RDB1
Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB01 -MailboxServer rakesh -ActivationPreference 2
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus DB01
Clean-MailboxDatabase MBD01

Mount-Database RDB1
Dismount-Database DB01 -Confirm $false

PowerShell Command
Set-OabVirtualDirectory OAB* -BasicAuthentication $True 
Get-FederationTrust | Set-FederationTrust –RefreshMetadata
Get-OfflineAddressBook | Update-OfflineAddressBook 
Update-FileDistributionService -Identity <insert server name> -Type “OAB”
Set-MailboxDatabase -Identity MDB1 -BackgroundDatabaseMaintenance $true
Get-MailboxDatabase MDB1 -Status | FL AvailableNewMailboxSpace
Set-MailboxDatabase -Identity "Server01\MailboxDatabase1" -MaintenanceSchedule "Sun.2:00-Sun.3:00","Wed.2:00-Wed.3:00"
Set-MailboxDatabase -BackgroundDatabaseMaintenance $true -Identity <dbname>
Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -Identity Netcom -MailboxServer 2013VTC2 –ConfigurationOnly
Get-help New-MailboxRepairRequest -examples 
Get-help New-PublicFolderDatabaseRepairRequest -examples
New-MailboxRepairRequest -Mailbox -CorruptionType SearchFolder, AggregateCounts, ProvisionedFolder, FolderView 
New-MailboxRepairRequest -Mailbox administrator -CorruptionType SearchFolder, AggregateCounts, ProvisionedFolder, FolderView -WhatIf 
New-PublicFolderDatabaseRepairRequest -Database PFD01 -CorruptionType ReplState -DetectOnly
Get-help New-MailboxRepairRequest -detailed (or -full) 
Get-help New-PublicFolderDatabaseRepairRequest -detailed (or -full)
Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity pdf | Format-List 
Get-MSOLDomainVerificationDNS -DomainName -Mode DNSMXRecord
Get-LogonStatistics -Identity |FL UserName,LogonTime,LastAccessTime,ServerName
Get-MsolDomain -domain
Get-OSCEXOInboxRule -Identity pdf | Select -ExpandProperty Actions
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity pdf -FolderScope Inbox | Select Name,FolderSize,ItemsinFolder
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity rgupta |fl Select Name,FolderSize,ItemsinFolder -AutoSize
Connect-OSCEXOWebService -Credential (Get-Credential
Import-Csv -Path c:\users.csv | Set-MsolUseeLicense –AddLicenses msexchangequery:EXCHANGESTANDARD 
Import-Csv -Path c:\users.csv | Set-MsolUseeLicense –AddLicenses msexchangequery:ENTERPRISEPACK 
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity pdf -FolderScope Inbox | Select Name,FolderSize,ItemsinFolder
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity pdf | Select Name,FolderSize,ItemsinFolder -AutoSize
Search-Mailbox –identity –SearchQuery kind:meetings –EstimateResultOnly

Restore-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup –Identity DAG1 –ActiveDirectorySite ggncloud
Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -MailboxServer 'RAKESH' -Identity 'DAG2
new-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name 'DDG-ITS' -RecipientContainer 'corp.mld/ITS' -IncludedRecipients 'AllRecipients' -OrganizationalUnit 'corp.mld/ITS' -Alias 'DDGits'
Set-AdServerSettings -RecipientViewRoot "corp.mld/its"
Set-AdServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true -PreferredGlobalCatalogggncloud.corp.mld
update-AddressList -Identity '\All Contacts
New-TransportRule -Name 'TS Rule1' -Comments 'transportrule' -Priority '0' -Enabled $true -From 
' ' -DeleteMessage $true -ExceptIfFrom' '
Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\MBX2 -ActivationOnly
Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\MBX2
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MailboxServer–DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MailboxServer–DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork -Identity DAG2 | fl name, MapiAccessEnabled
Set-Mailbox "John Doe" -RetentionPolicy "Finance"
Import-PSSession $Session
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $UserCredential

Set-User rakesh -RemotePowerShellEnabled $True