Saturday, August 3, 2019

What is in Microsoft Teams?

Learn the Microsoft Teams basics.
Desktop Client

Web client
The web client ( is a full, functional client that can be used from a variety of browsers. The web client supports Calling and Meetings by using webRTC, so there is no plug-in or download required to run Teams in a web browser. The browser must be configured to allow third-party cookies.

Mobile clients

The Microsoft Teams mobile apps are available for Android and iOS, and are geared for on-the-go users participating in chat-based conversations and allow peer-to-peer audio calls. For mobile apps, go to the relevant mobile stores Google Play and the Apple App Store. The Windows Phone App was retired July 20, 2018 and may no longer work.
Supported mobile platforms for Microsoft Teams mobile apps are the following:
  • Android: 4.4 or later
  • iOS: 10.0 or later
Next steps with Microsoft Teams

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Configure Direct Routing

Enable Direct Routing with Microsoft Teams from an on-premises SIP Trunk, via a SBC. 

Configure a SIP Trunk directly from supported on-premises Session Border Controller (SBC) to Microsoft Teams via the internet.

What Do I Need?

The following diagram gives a good overview of all the requirements needed to enable Direct Routing:
For more details on planning and configuring direct routing, check out the following Microsoft Docs:

Network Requirements

In order to support direct routing, a single public IP address is required that must be presented to the SBC. In my example configuration below, I created a new dedicated one-to-one NAT on the perimeter firewall: <> The private address was then bound as an additional IP address to Ethernet 1:

FQDNs and Firewall Port Requirements

The connection point for Direct Routing are the following three FQDNs:
· – Global FQDN – must be tried first. When the SBC sends a request to resolve this name, the Microsoft Azure DNS servers return an IP address pointing to the primary Azure datacenter assigned to the SBC. The assignment is based on performance metrics of the datacenters and geographical proximity to the SBC. The IP address returned corresponds to the primary FQDN
· – Secondary FQDN – geographically maps to the second priority region
· – Tertiary FQDN – geographically maps to the third priority region
Placing these three FQDNs in order is required to:
·         Provide optimal experience (less loaded and closest to the SBC datacentre assigned by querying the first FQDN)
·         Provide failover when connection from an SBC is established to a datacentre that is experiencing a temporary issue
The FQDNs and will be resolved to one of the following IP addresses:
Note: If your firewall supports DNS name resolution, the FQDN resolves to all IP addresses listed above.
The following firewall ports are required to be open for all the above IP addresses:
Source Port
Destination Port
Teams SIP Proxy
(IP addresses above)
Ribbon SBC
1024-65535 TCP
Defined on SBC
SIP signalling from Teams to SBC. In example below, destination port selected for SIP signalling is 5061.
Teams SIP Proxy
(IP addresses above)
1024-65535 TCP
5061 TCP
SIP signalling from SBC to Teams.
Teams Media Processor (ANY)
Ribbon SBC
49152-53247 UDP
Defined on SBC
Media from Teams to  SBC. The destination port is configurable on the SBC.
Teams Media Processor (ANY)
Defined on SBC
49152-53247 UDP
Media from Ribbon SBC to Teams. The source port is configurable on the SBC.

DNS Requirements

Before moving onto the configuration steps below, make sure you have created a public DNS A record for your Direct Routing trunk FQDNs. In this example, I created an A record for pointing at

Step 1: Office 365 Tenant Direct Routing Configuration

·         Connect to Office 365 Remote PowerShell
·         $acctName=""
·         $sfboSession = New-CsOnlineSession -UserName $acctName
·         Import-PSSession $sfboSession

New-CsOnlinePSTNGateway -Fqdn -SipSignallingPort 5061 -MaxConcurrentSessions 10 -ForwardCallHistory $true -Enabled $true

·        create an empty PSTN Usage
Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add="Australia"}