The following
table lists all the cmdlets that are available in this release of the Active
Directory module in Windows Server 2008 R2.
Retrieve properties for the Administrators group:
Retrieve ALL properties for the Administrators group:
Retrieve the properties with LDAP display names of "hcluser" and "messaging", for the user: rakeshc:
PS C:\> New-ADGroup -Server -Path "OU=Exchange,DC=dc" -Name AccountLeads -GroupScope DomainLocal -GroupCategory Distribution
Remove the group that has samAccountName 'messaging':
Get all groups whose name starts with 'messaging' and remove them:
Remove a group, the cmdlet will prompt for a name:
PS C:\> Get-ADGroup lyncAdmin -Properties Description
Adds the user accounts with SamAccountNames User01 and User02 to the group messaging:
Get all the members of the administrators groups using the default behavior:
Remove the user with samAccountName 'FredB' from the group 'messaging':
Remove the users with samAccountNames 'administrator' and 'rakeshc' from the group 'messaging' and don't ask to confirm:
Retrieve all the groups the administrator is a member of:
PS C:\> Get-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Get-ADUser –Filter {Surname –eq “chaturvedi”}
PS C:\> Get-ADUser –Filter {GivenName –eq “Rakesh”}
PS C:\> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Remove-ADGroupMember –Identity “Group Name” –Member “rakeshc”
PS C:\> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity khess
PS C:\> New-ADUser –Name “Rakesh Chaturvedi” –GivenName Rakesh –Surname Chaturvedi –UserPrincipalName –SamAccountName rakeshc
PS C:\> Get-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Add-ADGroupMember CS-Administrator rakeshc
PS C:\> New-ADUser –Name “Rakesh Chaturvedi” –GivenName Rakesh –Surname Chaturvedi –UserPrincipalName –SamAccountName rakeshc –Enabled 1 –AccountPassword (Read-Host –AsSecureString “Password”)
PS C:\> Search-ADAccount –AccountDisabled –UserOnly |FT Name
PS C:\> Set-ADAccountPassword –Identity rakeshc –NewPassword (Read-Host –AsSecureString “New Password”) –OldPassword (Read-Host –AsSecureString “Old Password”)
PS C:\> Enable-ADAccount –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Search-ADAccount –AccountDisabled –UserOnly |FT Name
PS C:\> Search-ADAccount –LockedOut –UsersOnly |FT Name
PS C:\> Unlock-ADAccount –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Unlock-ADAccount –Identity (Read-Host “rakeshc”)
PS C:\> Disable-ADAccount –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Enable-ADAccount -Identity Rakeshc
PS C:\> Remove-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Remove-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity JMarbles -NewPassword $newPassword –Reset
PS C:\>
Retrieve properties for the Administrators group:
C:\> Get-ADGroup -Identity Administrators | Get-Member
Retrieve ALL properties for the Administrators group:
C:\> Get-ADGroup -Identity Administrators -Properties *| Get-Member
the extended properties "Organization" and the default properties for
the user: Rakeshc:
C:\> GetADUser -Identity rakeshc –Properties Organization
Retrieve the properties with LDAP display names of "hcluser" and "messaging", for the user: rakeshc:
C:\> GetADUser -Identity rakeshc -Properties hcluser, messaging |Get-Member
PS C:\> New-ADGroup -Server -Path "OU=Exchange,DC=dc" -Name AccountLeads -GroupScope DomainLocal -GroupCategory Distribution
PS C:\>
New-ADGroup -Name "Lync Admins" -SamAccountName RODCAdmins
-GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName "Lync
Administrators" -Path "CN=Exchange,DC=dc,DC=Com" -Description
"Members of this group are Lync Administrators"
Remove the group that has samAccountName 'messaging':
C:\> remove-adgroup messaging
Get all groups whose name starts with 'messaging' and remove them:
C:\> get-adgroup -filter 'Name -like "messaging"' | remove-adgroup
Remove a group, the cmdlet will prompt for a name:
C:\> remove-adgroup
PS C:\> Get-ADGroup lyncAdmin -Properties Description
Adds the user accounts with SamAccountNames User01 and User02 to the group messaging:
C:\> Add-ADGroupMember messaging User1,User2
Get all the members of the administrators groups using the default behavior:
C:\> get-adgroupmember -Identity "messaging"
Remove the user with samAccountName 'FredB' from the group 'messaging':
C:\> remove-adgroupmember -Identity "messaging" -Member "rakeshc"
Remove the users with samAccountNames 'administrator' and 'rakeshc' from the group 'messaging' and don't ask to confirm:
C:\> remove-adgroupmember "messaging"
"administrator","rakeshc" -Confirm:$false
Retrieve all the groups the administrator is a member of:
C:\> get-adprincipalgroupmembership -Identity Administrator
PS C:\> Get-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Get-ADUser –Filter {Surname –eq “chaturvedi”}
PS C:\> Get-ADUser –Filter {GivenName –eq “Rakesh”}
PS C:\> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Remove-ADGroupMember –Identity “Group Name” –Member “rakeshc”
PS C:\> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity khess
PS C:\> New-ADUser –Name “Rakesh Chaturvedi” –GivenName Rakesh –Surname Chaturvedi –UserPrincipalName –SamAccountName rakeshc
PS C:\> Get-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Add-ADGroupMember CS-Administrator rakeshc
PS C:\> New-ADUser –Name “Rakesh Chaturvedi” –GivenName Rakesh –Surname Chaturvedi –UserPrincipalName –SamAccountName rakeshc –Enabled 1 –AccountPassword (Read-Host –AsSecureString “Password”)
PS C:\> Search-ADAccount –AccountDisabled –UserOnly |FT Name
PS C:\> Set-ADAccountPassword –Identity rakeshc –NewPassword (Read-Host –AsSecureString “New Password”) –OldPassword (Read-Host –AsSecureString “Old Password”)
PS C:\> Enable-ADAccount –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Search-ADAccount –AccountDisabled –UserOnly |FT Name
PS C:\> Search-ADAccount –LockedOut –UsersOnly |FT Name
PS C:\> Unlock-ADAccount –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Unlock-ADAccount –Identity (Read-Host “rakeshc”)
PS C:\> Disable-ADAccount –Identity rakeshc
PS C:\> Enable-ADAccount -Identity Rakeshc
PS C:\> Remove-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Remove-ADUser rakeshc
PS C:\> Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity rakeshc
PS C:\>
$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password"
PS C:\> Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity JMarbles -NewPassword $newPassword –Reset
PS C:\>
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity JMarbles -OldPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString
-AsPlainText "0ldPaZZw0rd" -Force) -NewPassword
(ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "p@ssw0rd2" -Force)
PS C:\>
Get-ADDomain “” –Server “DC1” –Credential
PS C:\>
Get-ADUser rakeshc –Server “Dc1” –Credential “\Administrator”
PS C:\>
Add-ADComputerServiceAccount -Computer Computer1 -serviceAccount SvcAc1
PS C:\> Add-ADComputerServiceAccount -Computer Computer1 -serviceAccount
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