Plan for live events in Microsoft Teams
When you're planning Teams live events to hold large meetings in your organization, there are several factors that you need to consider before starting to set it all up.
Teams cloud meeting recording
In Microsoft Teams, users can record their Teams meetings and group calls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. There is also an option for recordings to have automatic transcription, so that users can play back meeting recordings with closed captions and search for important discussion items in the transcript. The recording happens in the cloud and is saved to Microsoft Stream, so users can share it securely across their organization. Related: Teams meeting recording end user documentation
Recordings from live events produced in Teams are currently not saved in Microsoft Stream. You can download the recording from the meeting details and upload it manually to Microsoft Stream after the event. To manage the reports, click Calendar , select the live event, and go to the Event resources section.
Manage Microsoft Teams settings for your organization
Teams apps settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center
You manage apps for your organization in Teams apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center. For example, you can set policies to control what apps are available org-wide or to specific Teams users and you can customize Teams by pinning the apps that are most important for your users.
Teams org-wide settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center
You can control organization-wide user settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center. To edit org-wide settings, go to the Microsoft Teams admin center, and then select Org-wide settings.
Teams org-wide settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center
You can control organization-wide user settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center. To edit org-wide settings, go to the Microsoft Teams admin center, and then select Org-wide settings. You can configure the following settings.
Set up for live events in Microsoft Teams
Step 1: Set up your network for live events in Teams
Live events produced in Teams require you to prepare your organization's network for Teams.
Step 2: Get and assign licenses
Ensure you have correct license assignments for who can create and schedule live events and who can watch live events.
Step 3: Set up live events policies
Live events policies are used to control who in your organization can hold live events and the features that are available in the events they create. You can use the default policy or create one or more custom live events policies. After you create a custom policy, assign it to a user or groups of users in your organization.
Administration controls for Microsoft Stream live events
As a Stream admin, you can restrict who can create events, see all events, and start, stop, modify and delete an event. By default, everyone in your organization can create a live event.
When you're planning Teams live events to hold large meetings in your organization, there are several factors that you need to consider before starting to set it all up.
Teams cloud meeting recording
In Microsoft Teams, users can record their Teams meetings and group calls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. There is also an option for recordings to have automatic transcription, so that users can play back meeting recordings with closed captions and search for important discussion items in the transcript. The recording happens in the cloud and is saved to Microsoft Stream, so users can share it securely across their organization. Related: Teams meeting recording end user documentation
Manage a live event recording and reports in Teams
Recordings from live events produced in Teams are currently not saved in Microsoft Stream. You can download the recording from the meeting details and upload it manually to Microsoft Stream after the event. To manage the reports, click Calendar , select the live event, and go to the Event resources section.
Teams apps settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center
You manage apps for your organization in Teams apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center. For example, you can set policies to control what apps are available org-wide or to specific Teams users and you can customize Teams by pinning the apps that are most important for your users.
Teams org-wide settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center
You can control organization-wide user settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center. To edit org-wide settings, go to the Microsoft Teams admin center, and then select Org-wide settings.
Teams org-wide settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center
You can control organization-wide user settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center. To edit org-wide settings, go to the Microsoft Teams admin center, and then select Org-wide settings. You can configure the following settings.
Set up for live events in Microsoft Teams
Step 1: Set up your network for live events in Teams
Live events produced in Teams require you to prepare your organization's network for Teams.
Step 2: Get and assign licenses
Ensure you have correct license assignments for who can create and schedule live events and who can watch live events.
Step 3: Set up live events policies
Live events policies are used to control who in your organization can hold live events and the features that are available in the events they create. You can use the default policy or create one or more custom live events policies. After you create a custom policy, assign it to a user or groups of users in your organization.
Administration controls for Microsoft Stream live events
As a Stream admin, you can restrict who can create events, see all events, and start, stop, modify and delete an event. By default, everyone in your organization can create a live event.
Live events in Microsoft Stream
You can create live events using Microsoft Stream across the organization. You can schedule, produce and deliver live events for a variety of scenarios such as companywide events, leadership updates and more. Live events enable producers to curate and control the content that is broadcast to an audience.
Live events in Microsoft 365
Ensure that users you want to be able to create live events have the granted permissions required to create a live event.
By default, everyone in your organization can create a live event, however a Stream admin can restrict access. Learn more about live event administration.
Go to Admin settings > Live events.
Go to Create > Live event. Follow the instructions in Create a live event in Stream.
Create a live event in Microsoft Stream
Schedule the live event
In Stream, go to Create > Live event.
End User Access to Teams
Users can access Teams in several ways.
Users can access Teams in several ways.
- The web interface for Teams is available at
- A desktop Teams client can be deployed to Windows and Mac computers
- Mobile apps have been released for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone
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